Thursday 5 February 2015

Poetry Research

What is poetry? Poetry is a from of literature that uses aesthetic and rhythmic qualities of language. Poetry comes in a wide variety of forms, such as; free verse, blank verse, couplet, sonnet, limerick and many more. As well as this there are many different themes in poetry. There are poems of emotions, such as love, happiness and hate. There are poems about life, death and everything in between.
When I choose what poem I am going to use for this assignment to create my book with I will have to choose carefully. The theme of the poem will decide the theme of my work. I could have a happy poem, and use brightly coloured pictures filled with smiles and joy, or I could choose a sad poem, and have dark miserable pictures to play on the words. 

One idea I had was to find a 100 line poem. I thought this was a good idea because our photography books that we have to create should be around 100 pages long. This would mean that I could have a line from the poem and a picture on every page. 
When searching on the internet for 100 line poems this is what I found... 
This is a poem called A Falling Star. 

There once was a boy named Buzz
A star student at South High he was
Captain of the basketball team
He always lived up to his dream
Getting straight A’s since freshmen year
He never thought of drinking beer
Other people he always supported
Student of the year he was awarded
Voted President of his class
Never was he once a badass
Buzz was every parents dream child
Not one of those teenagers gone wild
Every teacher’s favourite pet
He thought he had his life all set
Not to mention he was everyone’s best friend
Little did he know, his good grades would come to an end
Senior year was coming around
To MIT he was surely bound
First semester was coming to an end
So too, would all his study trends

He had his eye on a cheerleader named May
They talked and saw each other every day
Watching her cheer on the sidelines
Made Buzz go in and out of his mind
After the game he waited for his chance
To ask her to the winter formal dance
“May, will you go to the dance with me?”
“yes,” she replied with absolute glee
Within a few weeks, they stuck like glue
However a conflict arose out of the blue
Report cards came out and unfortunately showed
That all his grades surely slowed
“How could this be?” asked his mom
For calc and bio he had bombed
Ineligible Buzz became
Hence, forbidden to play a game
May must have been to blame
For she was the cause of his grades so lame
The room tumbling round and round
A solution could not be found
Realising his dream was at stake
He needed his mind to be awake
May was nothing but trouble
So Buzz knew he had to burst their bubble
Meeting her after homeroom class
He was not going to let this relationship last
Confronting her face to face
He could not keep going on this pace
Buzz showed her his report card
May whispered, “Study later, party hard.”

He began to procrastinate
Thus, greatly changing his fate
He started slacking in school
To his teacher he looked like a fool
His A’s turned to D’s
He couldn’t pass his class with ease
Got a call from school but he didn’t care
His parents shook their heads with despair
He couldn’t take it, so he went out
Walking about, with a very big pout
Went to her house looking for May
Hoping to see her would brighten his day
When he saw her, she gave him a hug
He got comfortable and started to snug
Something was weird and it began to smell
It was very faint so he couldn’t tell
She said it was weed
And he was in need
He was above the influence
Until he was convinced
She said it was fine
So he didn’t decline
He took one big puff
Which was more than enough
Weed was the beginning of his new life
And Buzz wanted his partying ways to strife
The reason was May
That he got wasted all day

He bumped his head
And went to bed
When he woke up, he felt whack
And realised it was May that was holding him back
She was nothing but trouble
He had to end it on the double
His future could be saved
If only the correct path was paved

Second quarter was coming to an end
The grades he dropped he’d have to mend
He went to his teachers for extra credit
He was a star student so they allowed it
He turned to his parents for support
Cause all he wanted was to get back on the basketball court
Surely enough his grades did improve
Got his life on track, and went on the move
Without May by his side
His life would not fall like a roller-coaster ride
His grades went back to all A’s
Because he returned to his star student way
Now his head is in the books and not the bar
This is the story of the falling star

I soon realised that an 100 line poem is longer than I thought it was, and that this would mean creating a picture relevant to each line of the poem. I think that is something easier said than done. I searched for more 100 line poem's, something I felt I could relate to and tell a story from more; but I soon found out that there are not a large amount of these out there and that a different kind of poem may be easier done. 

Realising that my 100 line poem wasn't really going to work I started looking for something else, a different kind of poem. I remembered back in high school we covered quite a lot of poetry in english, my teacher loved William Shakespeare. I had covered over some of Shakespeare's work and poetry before so I decided to have a look on the internet and see what I could find. 
This is where I came across something we had covered at school. One of Shakespeare's most famous sonnet's. 
Sonnet 18.

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?Shall I compare you to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:You are more lovely and more constant:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,Rough winds shake the beloved buds of May
And summer's lease hath all too short a date:And summer is far too short:
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,At times the sun is too hot,
And often is his gold complexion dimm'd;Or often goes behind the clouds;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,And everything beautiful sometime will lose its beauty,
By chance, or nature's changing course, untrimm'd;By misfortune or by nature's planned out course.
But thy eternal summer shall not fadeBut your youth shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st;Nor will you lose the beauty that you possess;
Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade,Nor will death claim you for his own,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st;Because in my eternal verse you will live forever.
So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,So long as there are people on this earth,
So long lives this and this gives life to thee.
So long will this poem live on, making you immortal.

 Although this is a beautiful poem of love and emotion, I feel that to create the right pictures to express this poem and to have the same meaning they need to be taken in the summer time. Where I can take pictures of the a 'summers day' and have that bright lighting within the pictures. I also feel that this poem is not long enough to create an 100 page book from. 

I think the most effective poetry for me to use to create this book would be poetry that tells a story, as this on it's own creates a picture in the mind. Then the photographs could potentially give the poem a different meaning, or would show my interpretation of what I think it means trough photography. I really like the idea of using a poem and pictures to tell a story. As there is a story and meaning behind every poem that is written. Here is an example of a visual poem that I found on YouTube. 

I really enjoyed watching this as it just sparked up my imagination with ideas. This is something very similar to what I want to do, but instead of using video, and audio I will only use photographs and text. In some ways this is worse, as music and voice used to read the poem can create tone and emotion that would not necessarily be able to be created when reading a book. But my idea is in some ways better, as the reader will get to view the pictures and writing in there own time. They can go back pages and re-read lines, as well as stare at the picture for as long as they like looking at each intricate detail. 

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