Thursday 5 February 2015

Backseat Freestyle - Photo Shoot

On Monday I did my 1st photo-shoot for this assignment with my model Holly.
This photo-shoot was for the song 'Backseat Freestyle', my idea was to take a quote from this song, and then create a picture that would turn this quote into a caption.
The quote I was using for this song was..
"I got 25 lighters on my dresser, yes sir.
Put fire to that cast ass body on a stretcher, and her body got that ass that a ruler couldn't measure"

Before I could start taking pictures I needed to adjust my location to make it work for the shoot, meaning I had to remove things from the room, and also add my own props. 
Here is what the location looked like before and after..



This location was at my house in my mums dressing room, I had to transform it from a cute little design and really girly layout into something quite different. I wanted to try and make my scene as grungy as possible in the small space that we had. This is what it turned out like.


Here is my contact sheet for photos that I took on my camera for this shoot...

Contact Sheet - Camera 

Contact Sheet - Camera 

Contact Sheet - Camera 

Here is the contact sheet of images that I  took on my iPhone.

Contact Sheet - iPhone 

Contact Sheet - iPhone 

Unfortunately the pictures that I took on the disposable camera haven't yet been developed, so I can't show a contact sheet for those images that I took.
However I can show you my favourite images from this shot, witch are most likely going to be the ones that I will use in my published book. 

I really like this picture! Good eye contact of my model, a good pose and nice curve in her back. Unfortunately though you can't see all 25 lighters. Meaning I couldn't use this picture on its own for my quote although I could use it along with another picture. 

I like this shot. In the middle of the photo shoot there was a short break, in this time I took a few snaps of just the table so that everything that was on it could be seen. I really like the line of lighters that leads you down the table towards a bottle of rum. I also like how one of the 1st things you see in this picture is the gun. 

I really like this picture, how the eye contact with the model is made trough her reflection in the mirror. I only wish I had put more focus on her reflection and not in the details of her top. I can clearly see her face and pose, but I personally think that the image could have been a bit more sharp.

Although a majority of items on the table are all out of focus, I really like this picture and how all the foreground is focused. I like the different textures on the wood and the different shades of brown. 

I really like the angle that I took this picture at, it is a bit more visually exciting to look at, and we are looking down at what my model is doing instead of across at her. I love her pose and the curve in her body I think it looks really good. Also we have a full view of everything that is on the table and can see what the model is doing. I also like how although we can see the rest of her we cant see Holly's face, just this big head of hair. 

I do like this picture. It's similar to the previous picture, although this picture was taken on my phone, and not on a digital camera. I like the birds eye view we have of the table and how all the different wooden tones tie in together. The floor, the table and Holly's hair are all similar colours, letting this colour theme consist trough the picture.

Out of all the pictures I took on my phone, this is one of my favourites. I really like my models pose in this and how we can see from her face that she is stuck in deep thought, I also like the shape of this picture, as you can travel from the left to the right making observations about this picture, and how when you get to the right my models leg leads you off the picture. 

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