Monday 9 February 2015

Good Kid - PhotoShoot

Although my original plan was to do no quotes for this song, I knew that I needed to get the number of my pictures up. Other plans where also a bit taboo at this stage, so I knew I had nothing to loose and only something to gain by selecting a couple more quotes.
The quotes from this song that I am using to take pictures to go with are...
'All I see in this room 20 Xaines and these 'shrooms'
and also 'Grown-up candy for pain'
I thought that these two quotes would work well with the theme of my book as it's all a bit grungy and speaks a lot about different drugs. 

For this photoshoot I raided my medical box at home and took out individual tablets of different shapes and sizes. The problem was with this was that they where all completely white, and clearly looked like your standard paracetamol tablets. I worked around this by then colouring them in with different coloured Sharpies to make them all different. 
After I also experimented with pitting them in a button bag (baggy) to make them look like this is what they had been purchased in. 
I was quite disappointed that I didn't have anything I could use that looked like 'shrooms in the house. I feel that this would have made the picture complete to the quote. 

I took pictures of these on my iPhone and also on a disposable camera. I was planning to use my digital camera also, but when I pulled it out of it's case I realised that the last time I had used it I left it turned on and put it back in the bag. Silly me. So instead of taking pictures with this camera I had to put it back on charge. 

Here is the contact sheet of all the different images that I took... 

I feel that when taking these pictures I experimented quite bit with the different layouts of the tablets when taking these pictures. I also experimented with the flash, and a couple of lenses that I had for my phone camera, and also different photo shapes, such as square rectangle ect. I used A3 craft paper to create a studio look layout so that there wasn't any distractions in the background. I wanted these pictures to be all about the pills. 

Out of all the pictures I took these are my favourite... 

1. I like the colours in this picture, stands out well from the background,
Think this picture was taken slightly too close-up as I think you can tell that the 'pills' have been coloured in.

2. Again I like the colours in this picture, all the different coloured 'pills' and then the black circular frame on the white background. I also like the fisheye effect in this picture although needs cropping to get my fingers out the background on the right. 

3. I like the texture that the 'baggy' brings to this picture. I also like how it creates this white on white effect with a bold red line running trough the top. This then coordinates nicely with the red and white pill that is in the bag along with the different coloured tablets. 
I think that either of these pictures will go well with the quotes that I have chosen. Especially pictures 2 & 3 as I think that they are much better and less plain than picture 1. 
In a way I think it's good that I didn't get chance to take any pictures of these on my digital camera, as this will produce better quality images than what my camera phone could, meaning that it would have been even more clear that these pills where coloured in and fake. 
I do not have the contact sheets of the pictures that I took on the disposable camera as I am still waiting to get my images back. I will upload these once I have them. 

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